
The Thinking Man's Thought of the Day

Big Blue Bullfrog

Date Thought Related Links
01/29/12 But who will distinguish between the undeserved and the under-served in our Camelot? And who would agree to be the worker bee when everything is free from our Lancelot? Can’t Get My Mojo Risin’
01/24/12 It is great to talk about “social justice”, “income equality”, and paying one’s “fair share” in taxes. But when it come’s to one’s own money, one should practice what one preaches. Obama Gave 1% to Charity, Romney 15%
01/23/12 When your only job is to successfully kick field goals, it would probably be wise to make sure that you successfully kick field goals. Billy Cundiff Distracted Before Missed Field Goal
01/20/12 If you happen to find yourself in the murder business, it may not be wise to talk shop on Facebook and other social media. Gang Members Arrested after Boasting of Murders on Facebook
01/19/12 If you ever plan on being Vice President of the United States, please learn that the Football Giants play in New York while the Baseball Giants play in San Francisco. Biden Tells San Francisco Crowd ‘The Giants’ Are Going To Super Bowl
America’s Dumbest Vice President