
Now Featured

June 05, 2014
Perspective on Belief
A perspective on how trust, individuals and academia influence society’s views on spiritual phenomena.
By Victoria Volpe

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The New Philosophy of Reason

May 3rd –  Orwell In America
May 10th – Projections and Elections
May 17th – Bell Curves and Societal Faith
May 24th – The Vile 4-Letter ‘F’ Word
May 31st – Sex and Automobiles

Past Features

The Philosopher’s Stone

The Thinking Man’s Thought of the Day


January 25, 2012
MGS 2 and Philosophy
A Look Back at the Classic Game
By J.D. Cook

January 16, 2012
A Tribute
By Sinclair Soul

December 15, 2011
War Is Over!
The End of the Iraq War
By Sinclair Soul

December 14, 2011
Freedom to Lose
Media Driven Candidates
By Mitchell T. Zink

November 4, 2011
The Darwin Economy
Proponents of “Intelligent Design”
By Sinclair Soul

September 23, 2011
Joe Sold His Soul for a Television Show
The Fall of Morning Joe
By Sinclair Soul

February 8, 2011
A Study In Patience
Aaron Rodgers’ Road to the Super Bowl MVP
By Tuesday Morning Tailback

October 11, 2010
Hunting for Thompson in the Big Apple
Wading Through Metropolis with King Midas
By The Cultural Communist

June 3, 2010
A White Knight’s Hypocracy
Glenn Beck’s Tightrope
By J.D. Cook

February 11, 2010
Sarah Holds the Left in the Palm of Her Hand
The Modern Day Rope-a-Dope
By Ric Albano

January 29, 2010
History and America
A Debate
By Chris Reimold & J.D. Cook

May 1, 2009
We’ve Been Here Before
By Ric Albano

April 29, 2007
A Dog’s Life
A Sermon on God, Man, and Animals
By Jim Hammond

September 19, 2004
The Whole Truth
A Sermon on Honesty
By Jim Hammond