2012 EventsSports

One Last, Final Last Chance

December 19, 2011
By J.D. Cook

Redskins vs. Giants on 12/18/11Golly Gee did you get the name of the train that just flattened the NY Giants?

As I watched my fantasy football season disappear before my eyes I was confronted with an equally appalling sight. The Giants – blowing it against an easy team, again. This time the wound stung a bit more though. The Cowboys easily defeated the Buccaneers to take a half game lead in the NFC East. The Giants then needed to defeat the 4-9 Redskins led by the bumbling Rex Grossman. The game started with an interception by the Gmen, and the Defense really showed up in the first half. Unfortunately Kevin Gilbride decided the offensive game plan would involve Eli throwing up and down the field. The only problem was that Eli and receiving corps looked pathetic, dropping balls, overthrowing balls, and giving up interceptions. So you would think that Gilbride then altered the game plan to go run heavy. Nope, he just kept letting Eli chuck it up. Unsurprisingly the team floundered and lost. This puts the Giants a game behind the Dallas Cowboys who they can still take the division from if they win their last two games.

I do not know how the Giants keep getting second chances, but this is officially the last one for them. If they loose to the Jets next week it is over. I can only hope this loss wakes them up for a deep playoff run starting this Saturday! Unfortunately right now I am just deflated by this loss. A week ago we looked great, and now we look like we don’t even belong near the playoffs. All of this said I will make one excuse for the team I root for.
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They scored three touchdowns that were taken away by the refs. Literally three! One occurred when Ware caught a pass and the ball broke the plane of the end zone. He was the contacted and sent out of the end zone. The ball came loose for a second but he never once lost control of it. I have never seen a ball that crossed the plane of the end zone not called a touchdown! It’s mind boggling. The Giants then scored another touchdown that was called back for holding. Finally the Redskins sacked Eli on the 3rd touchdown attempt. Later Bradshaw was ruled down after having his run ruled a touch down. I really detest what the N.F.L. is turning into these days. Yes instant replay and review make games more accurate in some senses but Refs still find ways to screw up with the replays. What happened to letting teams play football? The league is like a big government mess now. I long for the days when I watched football and could see John Lynch hitting people, and the occasional horse collar that wasn’t flagged, and overall physical football. Get ready to say goodbye because soon this league will be so regulated that the only people who will be able to touch each other will be the line men.

Side note: This may border on paranoid schizophrenic or something, but there are days when I really get this intense worry that the N.F.L. has a script that Refs must enforce. It’s a terrible dream where Rodger Godell is ruling the N.F.L. like the emperor from Star Wars and pulling all the stringss while perverting the game I love. It’s just paranoia I’m sure but….ARTICLE CENSORED BY THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE. Big Brother is Watching!


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