The Dead
by Peggy Fay Albano
I found this episode to be in the most part, quite interesting. Many twists and turns, some surprises and some not so surprising.
Frankenkyle remembers when he and his buddies got tattoos and then looking at his arm and ankle he realizes that he has his “buddies” tattoos and screams bloody murder !!!
Queenie becomes fast friends with Delphina (the maid)…or does she?
Cordelia, blindly walking the halls almost falls down the steps but is grabbed by Madison at which time she “sees” her mother killing her. Cordelia asks Loe to help her kill her mother. Loe then goes to the butlers quarters. Spaulding (the butler) wakes up chained to the bed with his own tongue in his mouth. Loe had replaced it because she wanted to know for sure, who killed Madison. Spaulding unable to speak a lie, tells her it was Fiona. Loe then murders him. I wonder if there could be just one episode without someone being murdered?
Later Loe walks in on Frankenkyle and Madison having sex. Soon they make it a threesome. In the meantime Fiona is enjoying her one night stand with the Axeman. I don’t know if she knows he’s the Axeman, but she certainly knows he’s a murderer…….perhaps the body in the tub was a “dead” giveaway.
Marie Le Veau gets a visit from Queenie and Marie tells her what a wicked woman Delphina really is and offers to take her in to live in the House of Voodoo if…… she brings Delphina to her. After asking Delphina, what was one of the worst things she ever did in her past life, Delphina, who then was known as Madame told her how she had her maids baby put to death which caused her maid to take her own life. But we buried them together, she said, that was the only decent thing to do.
After Delphina relates the tale which was laced with bigotry, Queenie decides to take her to Marie who promptly puts her in a cage. Nothing like getting a taste of her own medicine, I must say. Queenie asks if she could make the first cut.
Later we see Marie rubbing her face with blood…
7 out of 10 Bigbluebullfrog Leaps
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