Top 4 Comic Book Stores in Eastern PA

Finding the right comic book store isn’t easy. It takes time, patience and a lot of luck. In a major city like New York it might not be so hard to come across a happening Comic Store filled with aspiring creators ready to discuss story arcs and art but in small town Pennsylvania it is nearly impossible. Finding a good comic store here is akin to trapping Thor’s lighting in a bottle. So with that in mind I thought I would craft up this small countdown of the top comic book stores in Eastern Pennsylvania. Why not all of Pennsylvania you ask? IT’S HUGE! Seriously it might look like an average rectangle on a map but I can’t recall the last time I crossed the middle. I mean it is pretty well noted by my fellow Keystone state inhabitants that this is a land divided into two separate realms. There is the East and the West and never the two shall meet…unless ya know…you drive there. Anyway I’m an Eastern Pennsylvanian and because of that I am going to countdown the top 4 Comic Book Stores on the rising sun side of PA!

Top 4 Comic Book Stores in Eastern Pennsylvania

#4 – Golden Unicorn Comics – McAdoo, Schuylkill County
#3 – Susquehanna Comics – Harrisburg, Dauphin County
#2 – Cosmic Comics  –  Progress, Dauphin County
#1 – Brave New Worlds – Philadelphia and Willow Grove, Philadelphia and Montgomery County

Comic CommentaryPast Comic Book Commentaries

Happy 'Comic Book' Holidays
Eon Viant
Red Branch Publications 'Cascade'
Comic Book Catchup
Laying the Hammer Down on 'Thor's Day'
Boycott X-Men: Days of Future Past
Uncanny Venom, Hilarious Captain America


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2 thoughts on “

  • Hi! I was just curious if you had ever visited Comix Connection with stores in York and Mechanicsburg, or the Comic Store(s) in Lancaster and York or mine, Comics And Paperbacks Plus in Palmyra, PA (30 minutes from Nick’s in Harrisburg) before you created this list. I am not saying that your opinion is wrong, I am just surprised that you only mention 4 😉

  • I put the list together with the few comic stores I knew about in the areas I travel in PA. Part of the reason I put the list together was to bring awareness to those stores for fellow comic lovers. Since I’ve done the list I’ve heard about a few new ones which I will have to visit soon! I am definitely planning to do a new countdown this year and I’d love to expand the list! I will certainly drop in and check out your store and add it. Any more recommendations would be great as well! Thanks!

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