
Seahawks Rain on Giants

by J.D. Cook

The Seahawks looked terrible in the rain this week. Russell Wilson couldn’t complete a pass and their running backs were fumbling up and down the field. So all I have to say is the Giants lost to this terrible team to illustrate just how bad they are playing this year.

The Positives
To be fair there were a lot of improvements this week compared to their horrid loss to Indianapolis last week. The Wide Receivers seemed to understand that the loss last week was squarely on their shoulders and they seemed to catch almost everything this week. Parker had an especially good turn around and Odell Beckham Jr continues to look like a real N.F.L. talent. The Giants secondary looked fantastic as well.

The Negatives
Unfortunately none of that matters when the Giant’s defense can’t stop a single run. The Seahawks wanted to give the game to the Giants on a silver platter but the Giants wouldn’t take it. Instead they gave up record rushing yards to Seattle’s offense.

Two Minute Drill
The Giants look like their proverbial goose is cooked this year. They haven’t won a single game in a desperate stretch of contests that aren’t over yet. They still have to play the 49ers and the Cowboys in the next two weeks before things get any easier. If the Giants don’t win one or both of those games they will most likely be eliminated from playoff contention shutting the door on a very mediocre 2014 season. At that point I’m curious to see if Tom Coughlin will retire and where the Giants will go from there.


New York Giants Blog by J.D. CookThe Giants Blog is published every Monday during the NFL season while the New York Giants remain viable contenders (which in 2011 was right to the end and their Super Bowl championship). On the weeks when the Giants have a Monday night game, the blog will be published on Wednesday. The blogs are thoughtful (albeit heavily biased) analysis of the Giants’ performance from our editor-in-chief and Giant fanatic J.D. Cook.

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J.D. Cook

I'm Jerry...Housewares...and writer...overall Renaissance Man