Comic Book Commentary

Cosmic Comics

by J.D. Cook

Cosmic Comics is the 2nd best comic book store in all of Eastern Pennsylvania. Although much like the 3rd best comic store on this list, Susquehanna Comics, it’s really located more in lower Central Pennsylvania. This store has a huge amount of back issues as well as a large number of amazing collectables! That is probably my favorite aspect of this store versus the first two. They also have a small social media presence on Facebook located here. I haven’t spent a huge amount of time in the store but every time I am there the owner Bob converses with me about the comics I am buying and he seems to have a generally friendly attitude towards everyone who enters his store.

You can tell the store has existed for a long time as everything in the store seems to be cataloged in its own way and it might take you a minute to find whatPlay Arts Kai Batman you are looking for if you don’t just conquer your comic hunter pride and simply ask the owner to point you in the right direction. That’s the only issue I have ever had with the store though. I am amazed at the amount of figures this store has. Plus they are not just limited to comic related ones. There are classic Resident Evil figures, and newer Bioshock Infinite figures, which I love. That is of course just to name a few. Then of course the amount of Super Hero figures is astounding and there are classic ones from say Batman the Animated Series and newer ones inspired by classic comic stories such as D.C.’s astounding Kingdom Come. The store even has the really high end Play Arts Kai figures! How did I find this wonderful place you ask?

The first time I entered the store I was in desperate need of a comic store. You see as I have already said in my article on Golden Unicorn Comics, I was a diehard Astonishing X-Men fan. Unfortunately I was still sort of new to the industry and was confused when Marvel decided to end the Joss Whedon arc I had loved so much with Giant Size Astonishing X-Men number 1. I assumed it was some sort of tie in, spin off, or fresh start. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that I realized my mistake while reading the comics description online. I admit it was not my brightest moment but what made the situation worse was that this occurred while I was visiting my father in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. So it was that I turned to Google to help me find a nearby comic store. Sadly many of the stores listed online did not exist or had moved. Only Cosmic Comics proved to be a reality and it was there that I picked up the last issue of Astonishing X-Men, which was also the first Giant Sized issue. See it sounds sort of confusing!

Anyway I’ve been back a few times as I’ve already said and the store is fantastic. Hell, it could easily be number one on the list but this list isn’t really about placing. It is more about making people aware of these awesome stores spread throughout Pennsylvania. That said next ‘Thor’s Day’ we announce the top spot in the top 4 comic stores in Eastern Pennsylvania countdown!

Comic CommentaryPast Comic Book Commentaries

Susquehanna Comics
Golden Unicorn Comics
Happy ‘Comic Book’ Holidays
Eon Viant
Red Branch Publications ‘Cascade’
Comic Book Catchup
Laying the Hammer Down on ‘Thor’s Day’


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